February 10, 2011


i tend to get the prints of leopard and cheetah mixed up a bit.
if someone could explain the obvious differences to me, it would be welcomed.

anyway- leopard / cheetah (faux, of course) is a trend i am seeing appear and reappear all over the blogosphere and in flesh & blood. even here in the homeland. i am loving it and eating it up, slowly but surely. see my first miniature puny attempt at incorporating this trend into my wardrobe here.

the following photos are just too great not to share:
 i know the focus of this post is animal print, but man! that killer jacket!


Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries said...

Oh are they different!??? :D Either eay i'm becoming obsessed with them!


Rachel said...

Haha, I get them mixed up too! Great pics! :D

Ramsey said...

Ok. So I am totally missing out on all the jungley goodness! Must. have. animal. print. now!

One Day in April said...

I love to see touches of leopard pattern in an outfit :) Cute blog!

x Melody
