September 16, 2012

off to the right start

dek & i took full advantage of the still-really-hot-for-being-the-middle-of-spetember weather (& not to mention, the holiday!) and fled to the beach this afternoon. seriously no one was there, we had the ocean to ourselves and we loved it. the water was so nice, clear and calm. we ate, drank and relaxed and then came home to wash up (you would be amazed at the places the sand gets from the beach!) & head to dek's parents house where we had an amazing rosh ha'shana (jewish new year) dinner with his family.

dek has tomorrow off work because of the holiday, so we plan to clean the house & then im meeting up with a friend for a cup of coffee glass of wine. excited!

 mish-mish flavored popsicles after a hot beach day

1 comment :

MaviDeniz said...

So pretty! I definitely miss that beach
