friday started out with class...statistics to be exact, then i bussed it to the beach. i'll take you through the motions....
1. beach arrival
* this particular section of the beach is called "dado" and it's always happenin' with loud music, fresh juice / smoothie stands, dancing, people watching, ect.... we usually don't hang here, due to the excessive amount of children and lifegaurds screaming, but this is where the bus took me, so this is where i set up shop.
2. me setting up shop
3. tanning with no care in the world
4. getting a little color already!
5. ending the beach trip with a strawberry / banana smoothie to cool myself down. it was hot as hell and i would later learn that i was burned to the max!
6. i dont know if you can tell, but i am lobster red, even my feet got burned!
i am home today from work, mad at myself for not using sunscreen or taking a break from sun-tanning because i can barely move. i cant wear clothes, my legs are swollen from my body trying to help the burn. i am in so much pain. anyways, the beach was fun, but i have learned a lesson. sunscreen. muy importante!