So, we went camping. I am fresh out of the much-needed shower at Dekel's house and just wanted to write about the experience I just had. It was so fun!
So Dekel and I drove to meet Mirelle and some of the kids from her kibbutz at the Kinneret, at this camping site called Dugit, and we arrived fully prepared around like 7, we set up shop (aka tent) and unloaded out things and then began cooking Shakshuka, a traditional Israeli side dish. Dekel is amazing and keeps this like stove top thing in his trunk so we brought a pan and ingredients (tomatoes, onions, red pepper, tomato sauce, eggs, salt, pepper, oil, water) and made dinner. You let some oil in the pan get hot over the stove top and then add like 2 onions cut up into small pieces, then you cut up about 2 tomatos, I liked them cut into small pieces as well, and then you add cut up red pepper. You let this all get hot and then add the tomato sauce, we used like maybe half a can, its really just up to your personal taste and how thick you want this little snack to come out, then when the sauce kinda melts and everythings getting thick, you add some water, not too much because you dont want watery, but just enough to make it kinda of pasty and then let that stand over the fire for a minute and then when that's all kinda cooked and browning, add about 5 or 6 eggs, again, its up to your taste, but you mix everything together and you have kind of like spaghetti sauce with scrambled eggs and we ate it with bread and hummus and I added green olives in mine, Mirelle added corn and tuna. Really, really tasty. So we got some grub in our bellies and then layed down for a bit, passed out a little then I got a spurt of energy and popped up and started doing jumping jacks..we were camping at the Kinneret, no time for sleepiness! So Dekel and I ventured down to the lake shore, we were camping like right on the beach, but the water was just murky and it was dark and I was creeped out by the fact that you could see the city across the water (Tiveria is the one I'm talking about) and so I got knee-deep and turned we chilled by the campfire and hung out with everyone and eventually slept under the stars. I woke up to the sun shining on my face, but still managed to sleep till around 8:30 or so. We cleaned a little and threw away loads of trash from the night before and we about to go toward the water until Mel realized she wasnt wearing her bathing suit bottom, so she went to the campsite to search, we searched Dekel's car and trunk and we couldnt find it anywhere! So I thought maybe we threw it away, so we backtracked and Mirelle started searching the trash can and there enough! Mirelle's bathing suit bottoms were in a sack and someone thought it was a trash bag and threw it away!! I laughed for like 10 minutes thinking "this kinda shit only happens to Mirelle..." So we went to the water, which was refreshing because it is so hot here in Israel right now, its like a stiff, humid heat and water just makes everything better. So I wasnt reluctant to get in this time because you could see through the water now and we were with more people and the water was just calm, no waves. It was nice. Ended up leaving around noon, it was the perfect amount of time to be there...
Anyways, just wanted to share my night. Hope you all had (and are still having because its only Saturdsay!) a great weekend as well =)