we also celebrated my 26th birthday, went to six flags, the state fair of texas, visited one of my best friends schools, where she teaches, so she could give a presentation on israel and have dekel answer 4th & 5th graders questions (it was too cute!). we indulged in way too much chilis. shopped way too much. caught up with old friends who i havent seen in like 3-4 years. cooked a glazed ham meal with mashed potatoes, buttered rolls, salad and champagne. loved on my sister/mom's puppies. hit up fort worth stock yards and the bishop arts district....the list goes on =)
in advance, we had booked a mini-getaway to cozumel, mexico where we enjoyed the luxury of all-inclusive drinks/meals/snacks/entertainment. it was literally our vacation while on vacation. we both caught a pretty good tan and met a cute newlywed couple from iowa who we buddied up with to shop downtown and have dinners with. so the mexico trip was a success!
all in all, it was a jam packed, fun-filled visit home. dekel enjoyed this time with
anyways, we arrived back to israel last friday, after laying over in freezing/rainy amsterdam again, only it wasnt as fun as the first time because we knew our trip was coming to an end and did i mention it was freezing and rainy??? we were jetlagged for like a week, it could have been the depression of ending a vacation as well, but whatev. now, were back on track, back in school, back to our busy lives counting down until next september till we graduate and we can go on our next trip. were thinking thailand!!!!!!
i hope you enjoy this round of photos =)
on the way to dallas!!!!
breakfast burritos with salsa and peaches at moms house
peanut the pup
@ jamba juice with mom and dekel
with my sis!
one of my birthday presents
out on greenville ave. drinking and laughing with friends
@ six flags
my yummy birthday cake!!!!
Q&A session with dekel about israel at our friends elementary school
our puppies! chuy & peanut
margaritaville at chilis :)
dekels lunch
my lunch. hah! trying to eat healthy...
@ the state fair of texas
big tex!!!!
about to leave for a roadtrip to san marcos to visit family
my beautiful sister mirelle and brother ben
we got a warm texas welcome in san marcos
we went ice skating!!
@ topgolf
@ pei wei with mirelle where we heavily indulged in lettuce wraps. yum!
loving life
the state capitol in austin, texas
bellini & frozen vodka, red bull
ft worth stock yards
a way cool pic. props to dekel
we went bowling
delishious mexican food

i totally got us mustaches from whole earth provision to play with. hah!
my loves
with my adorable-beyond-words grandparents
me and my boy!
with my bigg ass group of girls =)
things got blurry toward the end of the night :) and we had mustaches & fake teeth.
so typical us.
about to leave dallas. playin on moms iphone
next segment : mexico!!!!