So, my boyfriend and I have recently moved into an apt together in a little place called Tel Adashim and it is fun decorating and sprucing up the place. We are completely making it our own and I'm all about it. We painted a wall in our bedroom this pretty blueish purple color and have since been adding little details all around the place. We were at a market this past Saturday and purchased an amazing mirror for 150 shekels (like 35 dollars) and I'm so happy with it! We went to the market for artwork, because our walls are naked, but could not decide on anything, so just took the mirror. We hung it on the blue wall in our bedroom and its perfect.
It is a holiday here, Passover, and last night we went to my aunt's house for Seder with all of the fam (like 25 of us) and it was fun! tons of prayers and songs and laughs. Dekel got to meet everyone =) We played fooseball after dinner of honey roasted chicken, ful beans, salad, potatoes, wine and more..and then we had dessert of chocolate cakes and fruit salad and coffee and tea. It was nice to be surrounded by family, although I'm still not used to the holidays here, on the holidays it just doesn't feel like a holiday. Like, I don't anticipate them or appreciate them. Only with time will I get used to them and understand them more I guess. Dekel is going to start giving me a history lesson once a week :) !!!
So I have a week off of work for the holiday and were going camping Thursday night- Friday. Hiking, backpacking, sleeping outdoors, I'm pumped!! His friend gave us a very detailed map and tonight we will discuss where we want to go and plan out our little adventure. I'm so excited, I love doing this kind of stuff.